Monday, November 05, 2007

Maddox's birthday party

We invited 5 kids. One girl came 20 minutes early with her older brother (although I had mentioned to the mom that this was okay) and the mom did a dump and run. The other girl's parents called to ask if it was okay to drop her off. I said it was fine if they thought she would be okay - but then I got worried when she declined to eat lunch because "I was sick this morning and so I'm going slowly." WTF?????

Anyway, I think Maddox had fun. We started off by making pizza (too much chaos to take pictures) and then went outside for "donut on a string" eating (thanks, Cat, for the idea) and pinata battering. Then back inside for pizza, followed by 20 minutes of crazy jumping around in the living room and then cake (train cake, for which Al did most of the decorating). I must admit, it was some of the longest 90 minutes I can remember. And this was only 6 kids. Thankfully, Jill was there (the only other parent, which meant we had a lot of Bob's sandwiches to eat) to help play ringmaster.

Chava quickly elected to eat her donut in a more efficient manner.

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